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JNJG Player Rankings and Averages

The 2023/2024 Jack Newton Junior Golf (JNJG) Player Rankings and Averages will be collected from events played between 1st November 2023 through to 31st October 2024.

For information on the Eligibility Criteria and Conditions of the 2024 Jack Newton Junior Golf Player Rankings and Averages, CLICK HERE

For up-to-date rankings and averages for the Junior Vardon (boys), Junior Jean Derrin (girls), Master of the Masters and Masters Points Race, click on the links below. 

Junior Vardon (Boys)

Junior Jean Derrin (Girls)

Master of the Masters (Boys)

Master of the Masters (Girls)

Masters Points Race (Boys) 

Masters Points Race (Girls)


If you have any queries about the Jack Newton Junior Golf Player Rankings and Averages, please contact Ethan Keane on 0435033255 or